Brighten Home Loans managing director on the gender pay gap

Publication Date: Monday, 08 March 2021
This article originally appeared in Mortgage Business
The financial services industry has been through a lot over the past few years. Lending restrictions, the Royal Commission into banking and the COVID-19 pandemic have all resulted in a shift in the way things are done within the industry. But while these major events have unfolded, another change has been taking place in the background – the move to better gender equality.
For Brighten Home Loans managing director Scott Kelly (pictured), taking a public stance on this is important to ensure gender pay equity is met both in financial services and the greater community. Recently appointed as a pay equity ambassador by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), Kelly said the perception of workers and managers played a crucial role in levelling the playing field.
“We need to have a united front with male and female leaders taking action to remove unconscious bias from their workplaces – and we must focus on promoting diversity,” he told MPA.
Brighten itself has committed to a pay equity pledge by voluntarily signing up for the WGEA’s program to encourage gender equality across a range of sectors – a step that would help ensure every member of its team felt supported to reach their highest potential.
“We’re aware that in order to provide women with equal access and opportunity to fulfil their potential, companies must take proactive steps,” said Kelly. “We had a close look at our pay structure to ensure that pay was comparable across genders. We found the results to be positive, however we’re committed to doing even better.”
He said Brighten would continue to evolve its employment practices to ensure it is an employer of choice in the lending industry. Kelly himself will use his appointment as a pay equity ambassador to bring about positive change.
“I will continue to prioritise pay equity within Brighten,” he said. “It’s up to leaders across the industry to drive this change, not only through specific actions within our own organisations, but by taking a public stance on the issue and advocating for better outcomes.”